REAL IT Conference

The FIDJI institute organized a high-profile conference on the key theme of " The realitý of digital in the real estate industry "Arborus has been invited to take part in this event, which aims to create digital, collaborative and sustainable working practices for the common good of the real estate industry.
This is a major issue, because the real estate sector is one of the world's top 3 polluters, but real estate also plays a major social and democratic role.
The arrival of AI reinforces these elements, but only if it is inclusive. #CharteIAIclusive#GEEISAI
Indeed, each and every one of us must contribute our shared vision for building a better, fairer, more inclusive, cleaner city. This corresponds to the United Nations' ODD 11, which states "Ensure that cities and human settlements are inclusive, safe, resilient and sustainable". This sums up the equation we need to achieve.
Cristina Lunghi, CEO of Arborus, took part in a rich round-table discussion in which ESG issues were detailed, and the elements of a new ecological cycle were described, forcing players to rethink the energy and environmental performance of their assets.
These arguments were extensively developed throughout the day, with very concrete and fascinating examples.
The world of real estate is moving towards a world where smart cities and smart buildings must be conceived as equals.