Women's networks are constantly developing. The new generations are following the path traced by their elders and are developing new concepts, especially in the digital field.
They are powerful vectors of communication.
Networks of networks" are also emerging, such as the REF, which comprises 25 networks and which on March 8 proposed 25 measures to the government during a demonstration at Google.
This June 8, it is the turn of Emmanuelle Gagliardi founder of CONNECTING WOMEN to gather more than 180 networks at the Theatre Apollo 18.

Arborus, which has been an active association for the promotion of equality between women and men in the workplace for over 20 years, participates in these networks to disseminate its idea of a common culture of equality, in particular through a certification methodology.
On June 8, Cristina Lunghi proposed, through Delphine Julie who represented her, to carry out an action of solidarity between the networks
Here is an excerpt from his speech
"For more than twenty years, a question has been bothering me: we women represent more than half of humanity. Why can't we change the system?
I am not talking about countries at war, or countries that are tyrannical towards women, but about our own country and Europe.
You are more than a hundred women's networks gathered here, each with its own objectives and priorities. But don't you think the time has come to join together to overthrow the system of male domination?
These are simple, everyday, easy actions that can change mentalities and shake up traditional patterns.
Most of you are probably aware of my commitment to companies in France and around the world to develop professional equality through certification processes.
In Egypt, I am leading a project that goes in this direction and that associates another action of Arborus that was born with the equality label in 2004 and that is called the short scale.
This action aims to help young girls or women who come from disadvantaged backgrounds but who are motivated to not only have a professional future but to go into so-called "male" and future-oriented fields.
This accompaniment is done with women, committed, like you, who become their godmother. It is a story of solidarity and heart!
So I make this first appeal:
Who wants to become a sponsor of the short ladder? Or who wants to help Arborus?
And then I launch a second call which joins the idea of a feminine solidarity and the ideals of the
Women's networks are constantly developing. The new generations are following the path traced by their elders and are developing new concepts, especially in the digital field.
They are powerful vectors of communication.
Networks of networks" are also emerging, such as the REF, which comprises 25 networks and which on March 8 proposed 25 measures to the government during a demonstration at Google.
This June 8, it is the turn of Emmanuelle Gagliardi founder of CONNECTING WOMEN to gather more than 180 networks at the Theatre Apollo 18.
Arborus, which has been an active association for the promotion of equality between women and men in the workplace for over 20 years, participates in these networks to disseminate its idea of a common culture of equality, in particular through a certification methodology.
On June 8, Cristina Lunghi proposed, through Delphine Julie who represented her, to carry out an action of solidarity between the networks
Here is an excerpt from his speech
"For more than twenty years, a question has been bothering me: we women represent more than half of humanity. Why can't we change the system?
I am not talking about countries at war, or countries that are tyrannical towards women, but about our own country and Europe.
You are more than a hundred women's networks gathered here, each with its own objectives and priorities. But don't you think the time has come to join together to overthrow the system of male domination?
These are simple, everyday, easy actions that can change mentalities and shake up traditional patterns.
Most of you are probably aware of my commitment to companies in France and around the world to develop professional equality through certification processes.
In Egypt, I am leading a project that goes in this direction and that associates another action of Arborus that was born with the equality label in 2004 and that is called the short scale.
This action aims to help young girls or women who come from disadvantaged backgrounds but who are motivated to not only have a professional future but to go into so-called "male" and future-oriented fields.
This accompaniment is done with women, committed, like you, who become their godmother. It is a story of solidarity and heart!
So I make this first appeal:
Who wants to become a sponsor of the short ladder? Or who wants to help Arborus?
And then I launch a second call which joins the idea of a feminine solidarity and the idea that the union makes the strength: I propose that each one of us becomes the ambassador of an action of one or several association(s) here present during the year.
For example, have an association act as an ambassador for our certification or for the short scale.
And Arborus would carry one or two actions of a network here, and so on, to form a huge chain of solidarity, where each of our initiatives would be carried by the whole.
This is my proposal, dear friends, to create a network dynamic.
Thank you again Emmanuelle for this beautiful initiative and have a nice evening! I propose that each of us becomes an ambassador for one or more of the associations present here during the year.
For example, have an association act as an ambassador for our certification or for the short scale.
And Arborus would carry one or two actions of a network here, and so on, to form a huge chain of solidarity, where each of our initiatives would be carried by the whole.
This is my proposal, dear friends, to create a network dynamic.
Thank you again Emmanuelle for this beautiful initiative and nice evening to all!