Cristina Lunghi, President of Arborus, offers her vision of female leadership ....

Guila Clara Kessous, Ambassador for Peace, UNESCO Artist for Peace and Rising Talent 2020 of the Womens Forum is the patron of the two days of December 8 and 9 on the theme of women's leadership.
She talks about the courage to be a woman... and it's true that it takes courage to remain oneself while asserting oneself in a masculine, even macho system.
Cristina Lunghi will have the pleasure of sharing a round table discussion with Janicka Bassis, President of WWIRE, the world's leading network of women real estate leaders.
She will discuss with her the issues of equality in the world of real estate, especially for the new generations of women. The ecological stakes of real estate in connection with the "feminine" vision of the world... a whole program. Cristina Lunghi will bring her international expert's view on these subjects but also her human qualities and her ability to transmit them to young women.
We invite you to attend these two days: