Meeting of the Club for an Inclusive AI - June 29, 2022

June 29, 5:30 pm
met face-to-face at ORANGE headquarters the Charter CLUB for an AI
After a welcome from Delphine Pouponneau, Director
Orange Diversity and Inclusion and Cristina Lunghi, President and Founder
of Arborus,
Sasha Rubel,We gave her testimony as Public Policy Lead, AI/Machine Learning Europe Middle East Africa - Amazon Web Services Such an inspiring intervention! which brought us innovative ideas to grow equality and gender diversity in the AI professions organized according to the following plan:
- An overview of his experience
- DCI's challenges in AI
- Regulatory development and international perspective: what role for the company?
- Amazon Web Services work
- Why is IED an important aspect of business development in AI?
This was followed by a fascinating presentation by Médéric Chomel, VP Data, AI & Automation Orange France. With him everything seems simple! He explained the operational declination of the 7 pillars reiterated by the European Commission in April 2021 in its proposed regulation on AI and which correspond to the commitments of our Charter.
The 7 pillars of responsible AI according to the EU
- Human factor and human control over treatments
- Technical robustness and safety
- Privacy and data governance
- Transparency around treatment
- Diversity, non-discrimination and equity
- Societal and environmental well-being
- Responsibilities associated with the treatment
Naïma Aubonnet, Director of Awareness and Prospective Diversity & Inclusion of Orange presented the architecture of the Club's members' area which will be set up on the website of the Charter for an Inclusive AI. A tool to identify studies, training, business cases and to connect with Club members.
The very rich and free debates continued in a
friendly atmosphere around a cocktail until 21h.
We invite those who were unable to attend to
us to do it for our next meeting!