Meeting of the Club for an Inclusive AI - June 29, 2022

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June 29, 5:30 pm
met face-to-face at ORANGE headquarters the Charter CLUB for an AI

After a welcome from Delphine Pouponneau, Director
Orange Diversity and Inclusion and Cristina Lunghi, President and Founder
of Arborus,

Sasha Rubel,We gave her testimony as Public Policy Lead, AI/Machine Learning Europe Middle East Africa - Amazon Web Services Such an inspiring intervention! which brought us innovative ideas to grow equality and gender diversity in the AI professions organized according to the following plan:

  1. An overview of his experience
  2. DCI's challenges in AI
  3. Regulatory development and international perspective: what role for the company?
  4. Amazon Web Services work
  5. Why is IED an important aspect of business development in AI?

This was followed by a fascinating presentation by Médéric Chomel, VP Data, AI & Automation Orange France. With him everything seems simple! He explained the operational declination of the 7 pillars reiterated by the European Commission in April 2021 in its proposed regulation on AI and which correspond to the commitments of our Charter.

The 7 pillars of responsible AI according to the EU

  1. Human factor and human control over treatments
  2. Technical robustness and safety
  3. Privacy and data governance
  4. Transparency around treatment
  5. Diversity, non-discrimination and equity
  6. Societal and environmental well-being
  7. Responsibilities associated with the treatment

Naïma Aubonnet, Director of Awareness and Prospective Diversity & Inclusion of Orange presented the architecture of the Club's members' area which will be set up on the website of the Charter for an Inclusive AI. A tool to identify studies, training, business cases and to connect with Club members.

The very rich and free debates continued in a
friendly atmosphere around a cocktail until 21h.

We invite those who were unable to attend to
us to do it for our next meeting!