December 16: As every year, Arborus organizes the Courte Echelle in Bercy. INDITEX and the law firm Herbert Smith were added.

La Courte Echelle by Arborus, is a solidarity project, which was launched by the Arborus association on May 5, 2004, at the Cercle Cercle Républicain, in the presence of Simone Veil.
This is a sponsorship scheme, which aims to initiate a general
general movement of solidarity between women in positions of responsibility
responsibility in companies or in administrations, the godmothers and young
young girls in secondary schools, during their internship to discover the
the godmothers.
The girls are supervised by female executives, their their mentors, in order to make them aware of the numerous possibilities in terms of in terms of professional orientation, particularly in technical and scientific fields technical and scientific fields, which are traditionally more male-dominated. This enables the company to promote greater gender diversity in the workplace and to prepare for the future. and to prepare for the future.
The principle is simple: when the young girl joins the company, a a "Courte Echelle" charter is co-signed by her and her sponsor. by her and her sponsor.
Then during the week, the young girl discovers the company's job(s) through her sponsor's job
This year, Arborus conducted a workshop at Bercy and awareness sessions in colleges with the firm Herbert Smith. Thank you to the volunteers who do such a great job!