ENTERPRISE: "With its biased and macho algorithms, AI is likely to reproduce already existing stereotypes"

Isabelle Jouanneau - Entreprendre highlights the work of the Arborus Fund and Cristina Lunghi who support an inclusive AI with the first International Charter for an inclusive AI, in partnership with Orange, and the GEEIS-AI label which allows companies to assess themselves on the dual theme of gender equality and inclusive AI.
For Cristina Lunghi, AI is for better or for worse. The key is to avoid the worst. And to do this, Arborus proposes solutions. Information, awareness and training of the actors involved are essential in this perception. To take this first step, Arborus invites you to sign the charter: https://charteia.arborus.org/signer-la-charte/
To learn more, here is Isabelle Jouanneau's article: https://www.entreprendre.fr/cristina-lunghi-arborus-avec-ses-algorithmes-biaises-et-machistes-lia-est-de-nature-a-reproduire-des-stereotypes-deja-existants/