On July 6, 2017, the Equality Label Club, represented by Sylvie Bureau Nech, CEO of SOFAXIS, a company that has been labeled since 2005, participated in the new edition of the Ministry of Women's Rights' network of companies for equality.
Launched two years ago by Pascale Boistard, Arborus participates by testifying of a labeled company at each meeting.On July 6, 2017, the Equality Label Club, represented by Sylvie Bureau Nech, CEO of SOFAXIS, labeled company since 2005, participated in the new edition of the network of companies for Equality of the Ministry of Women's Rights. Launched two years ago by Pascale Boistard, Arborus participates in the network by presenting the testimony of a certified company at each meeting. Today, the theme of the meeting was gender equality in the digital sector, and many associations spoke at the meeting.
Véronique di Benedetto, President of Syntec Numérique announced that 60% of the professions of 2030 do not exist today. Great prospects for the new generations of women, but they still need to go into these fields. However, stereotypes massively slow down this entry into the digital world (see Françoise Vouillot's books), representation of "professions" for girls. "Jargonite", lack of co-education, image of the "no life" geek...all these factors prevent young girls/women from entering the digital world. It is clear that this is an issue that goes beyond the digital world and that it is a systemic approach that concerns a paradigm shift towards an egalitarian society.For Emmanuelle Larroque, president of Social Builder, it is urgent to create a culture of gender diversity in the digital sector so that girls do not miss out... We can see by comparing with other countries, such as India or China, where work, especially for women, is a factor of freedom, that women choose jobs where there are immediate professional opportunities. The digital professions are promising, promising for women and promising of freedom! And they are well present there.
The Secretary of State to the Prime Minister, in charge of Equality between women and men, Marlène Schiappa, closed this event with a speech full of personal testimonies: staturpeuse, blogger "yes and no" says she, FrenchTech, etc., She confided to us that it is necessary to "infuse" the culture of equality and to go and convince "outside" because the networks of women and the committed companies are no longer to be convinced. So Madam Secretary of State we proposed to work with you to spread or "infuse" as you say this culture with our labels! Appointment taken!