"Sources of the MIT study which demonstrates that the IQ of a group does not depend on the IQs of its members".

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About the study: "Sources of the MIT study which shows that the IQ of a group does not depend on the IQs of its members"... but on the parity between the men and women who make it up.
I'd like to come back to this article published on Linkedin at the end of August.

This article is interesting because it shows that the diversity of values and visions creates intelligence. It suggests that women and men have different values and visions, which together create wealth.

This was the subject of my first book, published by Eyrolles in 2004, "Et si les femmes réinventaient le travail" (What if women reinvented work?), in which I developed my vision, based on interviews with leading women such as Christine Lagarde and Mercedes Erra, to name but a few, that "feminine" values and soft skills traditionally the preserve of women were the starting point for a new world: new management, new work organization, new social and societal values based on real equality between human beings of all genders.

With Covid, this vision has proved to be true. The desire to telework, to give meaning or more meaning to one's work and life, with the corollary of questioning traditional models of governance and the exercise of power.

The massive arrival of AI and the growing awareness of its opportunities, but also of its many risks for equality between humans, whether on the subject of so-called feminine or masculine values, and of a collective IQ increased by the presence of women and therefore by their "so-called values", has led me to put this subject back on the agenda.

Indeed, in my opinion, only the promise of inclusive AI can enable us to urgently redefine the new rules for saving the planet on the one hand, and making it sustainable and better on the other.

Well, by rewriting our new codes of conduct, both literally and figuratively: coding must enable us to redefine our codes of conduct: a new social contract, new rules of the game.
By banning sexist, discriminating and humiliating comments, and promoting empathy, dialogue, listening and kindness.

By balancing the presence of so-called masculine values with that of so-called feminine values.

You have understood my vision and the project supported by the 1st International Charter for Inclusive AI launched with the Orange Group.
It's about making the world a better place because it's inclusive, not based on a single vision, but a plural one...

There's an urgent need to act, to raise awareness among managers, designers, developers, etc., because AI is ultra-fast: let's not get ahead of ourselves!

Come and join us for a better world!
