A look back at Cristina Lunghi's participation in the Konexio " : #WomenTechPower - From AI to inclusive recruitment, best practices for more gender equality "
with :
– ???? Guy Mamou-ManiCEO Gadax Conseil - Co-founder and M&A Advisor Open, former Chairman of numeum
– ???? Dr Cristina LUNGHI Lunghi, Founder of Arborus
– ???? Stéphanie GATEAU ????????????AA-THPIFounder Handiroad
– ???? Valérie GuimardCEO, Lecturer at Polytech, Si4YOU, Member of Réseau Entreprendre
– ???? Maureen RousseauHR Director, Google France & Google Belgium
Inclusive AI is AI or, more globally, data processing and data applications that leave no one by the wayside.
Inclusive AI is the way to prepare a better world through a paradigm shift.
That's what Arborus is all about: changing the system for a more harmonious one by integrating values traditionally the preserve of women.
As far as AI is concerned, we're talking about rewriting our new codes of conduct, both literally and figuratively: coding should enable us to redefine our codes of conduct (a new social contract, new rules of the game, new values). By banning sexist, discriminatory and humiliating language, and promoting empathy, dialogue, listening and kindness. By balancing the presence of so-called masculine values with that of so-called feminine values... It's about making the world a better place because it's inclusive, i.e. not based on a single vision, but on a vision shared by women and men, i.e. a plural vision...
Stéphanie Gateau warned of the importance of including people with disabilities in all AI devices, or risk wiping out around 1/3 of the world's population in the near future. She illustrated her point with some very concrete examples: non-subtitling of most video-conferences, telephone systems for after-sales services, etc.
The subject of recruitment and human resources, central to the issue of data processing.
A useful conference to raise awareness of the importance of AI if it is not inclusive.
As a signatory to the #CharteIAInclusive, Konexio demonstrates its daily commitment to this major issue.