25 Nov, international day on violence against women: in 2020 we talk about economic violence

On this International Day dedicated to violence against women, I was happy to participate in the conference organized by the Delegation for Women's Rights of the National Assembly on the very innovative theme of economic violence against women. A subject rarely addressed, that of the pressure that spouses sometimes/often put their partners through, the weaknesses of our law, the construction of our history around the male domination set up as a system.
Very proud that Margaret Johnston-Clarke, Global Director of Diversity and
of the L'Oréal group cited our GEEIS label as a tool for evaluating awareness and training actions on these subjects.
It is true that, as usual, Arborus led the way in 2017 by inserting a condition on this subject in the labeling framework for professional equality, as well as another on the digitalization of professions, often also another source of male domination.
You can also read the study commissioned by the Elysée Palace and prefaced by Marlène Schiappa that I wrote with all of Arborus' corporate sponsors and holders of the GEEIS label.
You will find the best practices of actions of the labeled companies against domestic violence, those that take place in the company and those due to customers.
During this conference we discovered the Italian foundation "Global Thinking Foundation" which has set up extremely interesting tools such as information for women on their rights.
This reminds us of Arborus' advice to companies that negotiate professional equality agreements, to include information meetings with their mutual insurance company, for the attention of women, on the risks linked to the loss of earnings in connection with teleworking or parental leave for the calculation of pension rights, etc. and an awareness of the pressure and/or negligence operated by the spouse in some cases who do not care about the future of their partner...
Dominique Carlac'h, VP of the MEDEF, believes that employers must be exemplary in the prevention of violence against women, but there is still a long way to go.
advocates the sensitization of all actors on the prevention of violence against women.
The company must not remain passive! And this is exactly what the two companies that have taken part in the project have shown. Two companies holding the GEEIS label, LOREAL and Kering, which are participating in
"One in Three Women", the first European network of companies committed to fighting violence against women under the aegis of FACE.
The subject of economic violence is vast. It is a cultural subject. It is an invisible discrimination that destroys a whole life, because without autonomy, there is no freedom! A subject which enters officially today in the economic field and in that of the professional equality.
A dynamic conclusion of the Minister Elisabeth Moreno who assures that this subject is of primary importance.