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The Arborus Endowment Fund is launching the second phase of its global survey on parenthood and its impact on the career management of women and men.

After a first phase reserved for companies holding the GEEIS label and completed at the end of 2016, the second phase targets all companies wishing to better understand the links between parenthood and career management within their group.

The objective The purpose of this survey is to understand the impact of family life on the careers of women and men around the world, in order to provide our companies with concrete solutions. It is available in English, French, Spanish, Italian, Arabic, Portuguese, Romanian and Dutch. This survey, intended for all employees and the result of work carried out by the companies of the Arborus Endowment Fund and the international institutions of our European and International Steering Committee, has a dual ambition:

  •  Raise awareness among managers about the impact of parenthood on careers
  •  Gather innovative ideas from employees of all backgrounds.
The results of this survey will be used as a basis for a white paper for the European Parliament.

They will be communicated in 2017 and all companies that participated will be able to obtain a detailed report of their own results.
In order to enrich the results and gather more innovative ideas, we wish to associate other international companies to our work:

If you would like your company to participate in this survey, contact us today for details:

You will find below a short presentation of the survey procedures: