GEEIS Trophy

The Launch of the GEEIS-SDG Trophy: the first international award positioning gender equality as the driving force behind the United Nations Sustainable Development Goals.
The GEEIS is not only a tool that guides companies in their equal opportunities policy, but it conveys a positive, forward-looking message, to build together, a better world, respectful of women and men as well as planet, to prepare a world of peace for future generations - and the empowerment of women is necessary to achieve sustainable and inclusive development.
This standard carries the image and the fundamental values from which they come, and also the SDGs, which are an integral part of today's business thinking. So, GEEIS, which is therefore in line with Goal 5 of the SDGs, will integrate some of the SDGs : objective 1, 8 and 10 in particular. This action, is very important because it goes beyond the Human Resources and Business Management processes.
For this second edition, the GEEIS-SDG Trophy ceremony will take place in Paris at the Ministry of Europe and Foreign Affairs, on June 25th, 2021.